How to Deal with Toxic Positivity

When it comes to your well-being, messages of gratitude and optimism can be helpful. Of course, who doesn’t want a positive and happy personality? However, ignoring your emotions even when everything feels so wrong can be unhealthy though, as it can lead to depression. Always looking at the bright side can potentially lead to damaging your mental state. Yes, optimism is good, but too much of it is called toxic positivity.

We will be talking about how to deal with toxic positivity, but first, let us know what it looks like. Toxic positivity is when you always spread “positive vibes” even when things are falling apart. You hide and avoid the pain even though it’s already strangling you emotionally, physically, and mentally.

As a provider of dependable behavioral and mental health therapy services, we have listed a few tips on how to deal with toxic positivity. Check them out below.

  • Pause the conversation once you feel like you are being invalidated. Do not avoid your true feelings or try to resolve your problem.
  • Share your thoughts and wishes ahead of time. Tell the person you are with that you just want to vent and do not need advice or ask them to think through all of your options.
  • When it’s your turn to provide affirmation to someone venting out, ask for their consent before providing any feedback. This practice allows you to know if the other person is open to hearing about your thoughts and support. If that person agrees to share your thoughts, they will hear you and more likely listen to what you have to offer.

At Community Mental Health (CMH), your feelings matter, which is why we are here for you. Whenever you are experiencing anxiety and other mental disorders, know that we have a wide array of treatment options ready for you.

If you wish to achieve holistic health, we are here for you. Connect with us today!

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