How to Cope with Work-Related Stress as per Experts

Stress is practically part of everyone’s work life. Sources of stress at work range from low salary, having excessive workloads or not having control over job-related decisions, little to no opportunity to advance in your career, and lack of social support. Small and big things happening in your workplace can definitely affect your motivation to perform at work.

But you have to realize that while stress is inevitable, it can nonetheless be managed with the proper approach. Here, we share with you some steps you can take to manage your stress as recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA).

  • Track your stressors

    You need to know what specifically triggers your stress at work. To identify your stressors, you can keep a journal for a few weeks to record some events at your workplace that cause you stress. In your journal, take note of the physical setting, the circumstance, the people involved, and your reaction to the event. Eventually, you will find a pattern you can use as a guide in identifying your stressors.

  • Develop healthy responses

    It is important that you develop healthy response mechanisms when you are stressed out. When you can’t directly address your source of stress at work, you can find an outlet to release tension. Health experts advise that you do any physical activity, like yoga or any form of exercise.

  • Maintain a work-life balance

    One thing that can add to your stress is when there seems to be no boundary between work and your personal life. This fact holds especially true for people working from their homes. While doing your work and delivering your deliverables on time is important, stretching yourself too thin will only cause harm to your health in the long run. So when it is time to get off work, it is best to spend your time resting, doing a hobby, or meeting with family and friends.

  • Get some support

    When you feel like your stress is getting really out of hand and you start developing mental health problems like depression, get support from people close to you. Better yet, seek professional help.

We at Community Mental Health (CMH) offer you these tips and more mental health-related information to make it easier for you to make informed decisions to enhance your mental wellness.

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